“The Invisible Man is a vivid look into the distorting mirror of racism and a brilliant realisation of a seminal text. It is my sincere hope that Paul Morris, Artistic Director of Crying In The Wilderness, will be inundated with invitations to tour the production. Because the Invisible Man deserves to be seen by everyone.”
Decibel Festival
PRODUCE the 'Invisible Man' for the Decibel Performing Arts Festival in Manchester for Crying in the Wilderness Productions.
DOCUMENT the creative process and the R&D showcase in order to secure future funding and commissions. Film directed by Trevor Blackwood & edited by Sarah Nunn.
WHAT I DID: Creative Producer, Photography, Film Editor
The Approach
EXPRESS the musicality of the theatre piece by paying homage to the classic Blue Note album covers to inspire the design and layout of the film.
RECORD in words, pictures and moving images, the company's intention to bring a more diverse cultural approach to seminal works that inspire a greater appreciation of individuality, diversity & heritage.
The Impact
FULL HOUSE at the Decibel showcase. An audience of 120 people attended performance and Q&A.
THEATRE REVIEWS by The Stage, The Disability Arts Online, The Arts Council.
SECURED the Bush Theatre for Invisible Man Research & Development Project