Creative Projects

With each project, I work with a unique collective of creative directors and practitioners that reflect our client's cultural context. Together, we design and produce sustainable, socially conscious projects that deliver your CSR objectives, raise your company's profile, and improve visitor engagement and participation. 


Past projects have included: Cultural Arts Festival, Learning Beyond the Classroom Iniatitive, Creative Partnerships in the Sultanate of Oman and Producing The Hero Inside Programme: London



Drawing from a unique collective of creative directors and practitioners that reflect our client's cultural context, we design and produce sustainable projects that deliver your CSR objectives and improve visitor engagement and participation. 



All the operational aspects are managed by the team for the project, I oversee the delivery of the project and quality assure the creative integrity of the final outcome, ensuring the work impacts on the intended audience identified by our client.



To review the creative process and the effectiveness of the project, data is collected and analysed from online evaluations, photographs and quotes from partners and participants. The life cycle of the project is completed when the findings are shared with client.