Our Approach

At Creative Elements we use a 5 step approach to our consultancy which represents the life cycle of the project. This approach enables us to be transparent with our clients about our process and work effectively with your organisation to achieve your goal. 


Identify Objective/s

The first step is to meet with you and listen to your business needs. We ask lots of questions! By the end of the meeting, the desired outcomes, format, timeline and resources available are identified. 


Needs Analysis

We conduct online surveys, complete onsite research, explore digital archives, set up a number of focused groups, gather and analyse as much data and information as possible about the current status of your organisation before identifying the next stage.   


Select Solution

We recommend up to three solutions that meet your desired outcome and present the ideas in a proposal. You select the preferred solution that meets your goal and we move to the delivery stage.  


Deliver Experience

Once you have made your decision, the delivery stage is activated. We provide your organisation with the event, project, experiential training programme or product to bring your goal into reality. 


Evaluate Collaboration

To help us review the creative process and the effectiveness of the project, we collect and analyse online evaluations, photographs and quotes from partners and participants. The life cycle of the project is completed when we share our findings with you.